Thoughts on Why We Had To Invent A Public Access Epinephrine Emergency KitWhen thinking about allergic reactions here are the things I worry about: - Where is the Epinephrine?
- Is it locked in the nurse's office?
- If so, where is the school nurse?
- What administrative B.S. is going to slow down finding and administering the Epinephrine?
- How much panic and chaos? It's harder to get a scared, crying child to take Benadryl or sit still for a shot of Epinephrine.
- If we cannot find Epinephrine how long before an ambulance arrives?
- Are the people around my child hip to nut allergies and other anaphylactic triggers?
When seconds count, we have to eliminate these questions. We do this by installing an Allergy Emergency Kit™ on the wall closest to the nut-free table in the lunch room, as well as one in each major wing (hallway) of the school and in a gymnasium area that is closest to the outside playing fields. This gives us these options: - Use a key to open the cabinet OR
- Break the window to instantly access the supplies
- When you're not panicking about the supplies you can put that effort toward calling 911 and calmly giving the child Benadryl while you determine if the Epinephrine should be given.
What makes the Original Allergy Emergency Kit™ unique?- Since Epinephrine is a prescription-only drug, it must be kept secure from accidental use and theft. Our patent-pending design prevents access by children and requires anyone without a key to break the window to take out the Epinephrine
- Unlike opening a door or setting off a siren, breaking the window is a clear Criminal Damage to Property incident - which is why fire hoses and extinguishers were secured this way for decades.
- Don't worry - it's not real glass - it is a proprietary material that breaks into non-lethal chunks.
Allergy Emergency Kit™ is Made in the USAOnce the initial ideas are in motion, an entrepreneur must make decisions about the quality of their product and where it will come from.
For our company and our product we felt it was appropriate to manufacture in the United States and to the extent practicable, to use USA-sourced materials. We assemble our cabinets and panels in Mokena, Illinois from materials sourced from Illinois, Utah, Indiana, Alabama, Ohio, Washington and more. There are a few items that we have not been able to source in the USA, but we are very happy to be creating American jobs and not just automatically assuming that everything must be made in China. |

EpiPen® is a registered trademark of Mylan Inc. Mylan Inc. does not sponsor or endorse the products referenced or sold on these web pages. Auvi-Q® is a trademark of Sanofi-aventis U.S. LLC. Sanofi-aventis US does not sponsor or endorse the products referenced or sold on these web pages. |